Parish Pastoral Council
Holy Family introduced a Parish Council in 1965, the first in the City of Peoria. The Parish Pastoral Council is the advisory body of the parish. It provides the forum for discussion of matters relating to the spiritual and material well-being of the parish. It assists the Pastor through the work of the various Council Commissions listed below:
Liturgy, Faith and Worship Commission
assists in planning and celebrating weekly and seasonal liturgies and prayer services and promoting ongoing devotional activities of the parish.
Christian Formation Commission
assists in development of ongoing formation and education in matters of the faith.
Education Commission
offers assistance to the administration in school and related matters.
Community Building Commission
assists with the development of social interaction in the parish.
Human Concerns Commission
assists in the awareness and care of parishioner and community needs.
Buildings and Grounds Commission
assists with management of parish buildings and facilities.
Finance Commission
assists in the management of temporal affairs.
Stewardship Commission
promotes parishioners’ commitment to Discipleship through their sharing of time, talent and treasure
assists in planning and celebrating weekly and seasonal liturgies and prayer services and promoting ongoing devotional activities of the parish.
Christian Formation Commission
assists in development of ongoing formation and education in matters of the faith.
Education Commission
offers assistance to the administration in school and related matters.
Community Building Commission
assists with the development of social interaction in the parish.
Human Concerns Commission
assists in the awareness and care of parishioner and community needs.
Buildings and Grounds Commission
assists with management of parish buildings and facilities.
Finance Commission
assists in the management of temporal affairs.
Stewardship Commission
promotes parishioners’ commitment to Discipleship through their sharing of time, talent and treasure